Sofia & Tommy

Jag heter då Sofia och är 15 år. Har ridit sen jag var 5 eller 6, minns inte riktigt.. Red först på ridskola och hade även lite olika medryttarhästar och halvfoderhästar.
Sen tillslut bestämde vi oss för att skaffa foderponny för att få veta hur det var att ha egen. 
Vi lånade hem en B-ponny, 5 år och kunde ingenting rent ut sagt. Han hade aldrig hoppat under ryttare ens. Han växte sedan över till C-ponny och blev tillslut riktigt fin i både hoppning och dressyr. Tävlade upp till LB med honom och vi köpte honom även efter ett år. När jag haft honom i två år så såldes han för jag ville tävla mer och högre än vad han ville. Så i somras såldes han till en underbar familj!
Dagen efter åkte jag och provred en ny ponny. (Hade provridit ngra medans Camaro fortfarande stog hos mig). En D-ponny, sex år trevlig men inte mer typ men det var ngt som gjorde att jag fastnade hos honom. 
Tre dagar senare köpte vi honom och han blev min nya polle,
Åkte ut på CRs väldigt fort bara för att han skulle lära sig osv. Det gick bra, sen gick vi in i en svacka där allt sög rent ur sagt och jag ville sälja honom men jag kände ändå att han kommer vara värt att slit.
Och det börjar löna sig nu för han börjar bli riktigt fin. 
Tränas på LA höjd och har haft ngn placering i LC och vi har startat som högts LA. Han har blivit otroligt fin.
Attyrory tommy heter han, kallas för tommy är antagligen min sista ponny. Sen efter honom får vi se om det blir storhäst eller om jag slutar att rida. Men än sålänge så ligger all fokus på honom :)

Postat av: sara

Jag har själv haft en Attyrory ponny (Attyrory Frankie). Min Frankie var dock inte så "frisk" i huvdet när han kom till oss, lite intressant och veta hur din Tommy är/varit i hanteringen :)

2012-11-27 @ 13:24:39
Postat av: Patricksib

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Postat av: JamesLab
п»їHow To Get A Bigger Penis Naturally With Exercises
Hello I am Antonio,
First of all I would like to thank John Collins for his guide ‘Penis Enlargement Bible’
I saw many penis exercisers posting in health forum that it takes them around year or two to get their desired penis size. But since I have to marry my girlfriend in just 6 months and with 5 inches dick I know I can’t satisfy my future wife so I disregard Penis exercise at first.
Within just 3 months I gain 2.5 inches and now I am having 7.5 inches dick and also have great control on my ejaculation.
There are many people you see are living happily in their life but most of these people are not happy with their penis size and they keep on searching how to get a bigger penis. As this is the very sensitive topic that is why you feel that you are the only one who having small (less than average 6 inches) penis.
I created this how to get a bigger penis guide after lots of search because I was once in your boots. I always feel my penis will grow during Puberty but it never grows or maybe it grows but not that much. Since I am living on very tight budget that is why surgery is not the option for feel. Secondly, forums and discussion boards are full of negative reviews about penis enlargement pills that is the reason these are very risky to try.
I started my research about how to make your penis bigger when I discover few people reported that they found 2 inches increase in their penis with the help of penis enlargement exercises. During my research I found many exercises some are good for starting level and some are little bit more advanced exercises. Mostly advanced exercises are for treating penis curve, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Thankfully I was not suffering from these problems. I decided to start working on basic exercises to enlarge my penis.
You believe it or not my penis gains 1.6 inches in just 3 months.
Yes, at the time of start exercises my penis was hardly 5 inches but now it is around 6.8 inches.
Since these results are significant that is reason I decided to put this guide online and see how I get response from people like you. Let me tell you penis enlargement exercise is considered as safest and best method for penis enlargement additionally, you don’t need expensive equipments to get started.
I created this how to make your penis bigger guide in very simple way. In the starting I will tell you how to measure your penis correctly then I will tell you how you can remain safe for better results. Then I will give you three different penis enlargement exercises and in the end I will share my workout routine with you.
How To Measure Your Penis:
Flaccid Length:
Stand straight and extend your penis in front of you (it is important to don’t stretch it) with your one hand and put measuring tape at the side of your penis with the other hand. Mark down inches or centimeter of your penis and write down in piece of paper.
Erect Length:
Erect length is the most important because most men are interested in gaining erect length. To measure your erect length you first have to gain 100% erection (without watching P0RN video). Then put measuring tape at the side of your penis and mark down inches or centimeter. It is important to use same measuring unit throughout your progress.
Erect Girth:
Flaccid Girth:
Flaccid girth is awkward because different men have different flaccid girth as they measure flaccid girth from different position. Again the best way to measure your flaccid girth is by measuring it from center position. Stand straight then extend your penis with one hand and use other hand to put measuring tape around the penis at the center of shaft. Mark the measurement and write it down into piece of paper.
Few Things To Remember When To Start Your Penis Exercise:
Before you start performing penis enlargement exercises it is important for you to remember few things.
Public Hair:

2017-08-10 @ 21:37:01
Postat av: JaCtintetty

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2019-12-31 @ 08:35:38
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2020-02-19 @ 03:49:10
Postat av: MarvinHic - how wish can you survive? is a multiplayer .io game take survival. You call to suggestible the gelid and voraciousness next to crafting opposite items. Start by hitting trees to gather wood, then mastery a unanimated pickaxe to gather stones. Gather enough wood and stones to be competent to increase a campfire to curb faint in the night. Don't forget to get berries or hunting animals to satiate your hunger. Be painstaking of other hostile players that muscle kill you! Look at the map to separate the location of the resources. Can you credulous the peevish distant dusk and any other threats? Good fluke in this fresh .io trick!
The game has varied similarities to Minecraft and uses varied similar artifice mechanisms. The crafting possibilities are non-stop - undertake into the open several combinations of materials to understand what items can be made. Mark aggressive different tools so that complex processes such as mining can be undertaken.

Aside from crafting, get-together eats is important. Players can plant scoff such as wheat and melons and swell their own food supply. Alternatively, players can trace wild animals and kill them such as cows, deer, and sheep. The unrefined flesh can be cooked using verve and eaten to well provided health.

Without exception press into service the mini map to look at the motherland and detect important spots. Also, be tried to undertake home during the night. Different monsters come in at edge of night and will attack players. Without firelight (such as torches), or weapons, players force be defenceless.

Keep in mind that if a performer dies, they will mislay all of their progress, materials, and items and have to start again! Be watchful in this dangerous delighted and do what you can to survive.

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2022-06-18 @ 04:19:49
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2023-05-05 @ 01:07:55
Postat av: ElceCaura

CS 1.6 - Truths behind why everyone never retires

CS GO is the most recognized and most played multiplayer online game until now. The game is being played in every part of the world. Always in, every gaming zone, in every gaming desktop and Laptop and even on nearly Xbox machine.
Counter Strike CZ:

Counter Strike Condition Zero is actually a modification of the Half-life game which had already been published in the late 1990's. This online shooter game is a tactical and strategy based game which tests the mind and responsive mastery of the player. Valve Inc took command of coding this game in the 2000s, modified it by adding some new distinct and hand made meta to CZ.
The greatest the entertaining features of Counter Strike Condition Zero is the right to provide your own server. This means a whole new system for users to build group server and unite. With such a privilege available to players the entertainment is never ending. Around launch time people must have used Dedicated Servers to run their CS Global Offensive Servers. In modern day gamers use a KVM VPS and still have a nice server in Counter Strike CZ.

CS Condition Zero has been a source of hobby for the families since its inception. The question is how? Well, it is because it is that type of game which rarely actually will get too repetitive even if one plays it for year after year.
Here are some of the reasons why Counter Strike GO is fun:

One can simply never get tired of Counter Strike since it allows the user to customise it according to their experience and preferences. One of the main uses of this customization is called "cheating". Condition Zero Cheats are the most funny scenario of online gaming and all of the gamers have actually become the hackers by the time they're skilled at CS. Some may want to play the game on the newb skill and the maps with which they are used to but the point is that most of the leet clans just want some different things to prolong their interest in the game. LeagueCheats hacks works on WarGods, WarGodz, sXe injected, Esportal, GamersClub, EAC,, 99damage, FaceIT, SoStronk, PVPRO, GOLeague, ChallengerMode, FastCup CSGO, Akros, Valve Anti Cheat, VACNET, Gfinity, CEVO, ESL, FaceIT Server Side, SourceMod Anti cheat, Kigens Anti Cheat, PopFlash, Kickback, and ZenGaming. CZ Aimbot

So, people can build various maps for their own tournaments or for their dedi servers. Isn't it cool that you play every session on many different maps and then users attempt to get skill over that particular game mode by practicing repeatedly via leet matches. This in my point of view is the main reason why clans will ever stops playing even after years of rounds.

The maps can be architected through various programs and software, which are completely free to use and one can be an expert in it by watching different tutorials. Most people think that CS Condition Zero came with tens of maps but the fact is that it came only with some basic maps but over time the creators created some varied distinct maps on the Valve editor platform which the users have been installing them via various websites.

Another fact which is keeping CS CZ fresh and exciting is the freedom to make your own listen server. One can make a separate root for their own groups so that they can have some exciting battles with each other or they can invite other groups for a match. As referenced above clans can have a Gbit VPS and still have a fast server in Counter Strike Condition Zero.

Lastly, there are also many interesting images available which the users can create and can spray them on the walls or anything else on the map. The spray logos sometimes show the icon of the particular players or clans.

In other words customizing CS 1.6 was never so easy before. Now one can never get used to this exciting first person shooter game.

Also, most all the games that have various modes are installed several features that can provide the clans with noteworthy moments spent gaming on the personal computer. Whether yo

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